In 'Service Call' after you select a BP name or code, is there a way to get rid of the "Warning! No valid contracts exist for the customer" message?
AnsweredTried Solution:
Step 1
UF - I have created a macro type UF with the AutoPressNextPopup set to 10 sec
Step 2
B1 Validation Configuration
Added Under B1 Validation Configuration - when this item is validated
Selected the no condition, execute Function UF that I setup in step 1.
Event is Validate [Leaving a field]
BeforeAction is True
In the service call, When I select a valid business partner, it works & the 'no valid contract message box' is automatically pressed. But if go to create another service call, the no valid contract message reappears.
Can anyone advise where I'm going wrong? Thanks
Official comment
Unfortunatelly this is an SAP limitation and in some cases in this window we can't get rid of the message.
I would try actually putting a condition which is when the BP has no contract when SAP will pop up the message. Then I will match it with the macro to Auto press the popup.
As to the trigger I will leave it as leaving the BP Code field.
Thanks Wendy, I have given that a try but haven't managed to get it working just yet.
What error message did you get ?
No error. I got it so it works when you first go into the service Call, select a BP & add call details - no msg popup appears. But if you complete that call & then select another BP to add a second call, then the 'no valid contracts' popup reappears. It's like it works for the first popup but I've something wrong in my setup to tell it to repeat for the next BP selected. Continuing to work at it thanks.
see attached what is working for us.
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