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Disable Native B1 Right Click "Generate Picklist"



  • Official comment
    Miguel Oscar Lozano

    Hi Anthony, you can easily generate right click menus using B1Up.

  • Fonseca Advisers

    Miguel Oscar Lozano, I think the request here is the ability to disable the WMS right click menu options that are created by WMS itself.

    Is there a way to use the B1UP Right Click Menu configuration to disable a right click menu option that was not created by B1UP?

  • Miguel Oscar Lozano

    Understood now. As far as I know B1Up and WMS build on top on SBO functionalities and at least from WMS side there is no option to delete right click options in SBO menus.

    You can double check on the B1Up community but for sure there is a way modifying SBO code.

  • Thomas


    B1UP can block the user from clicking the menu option with B1 Validation (Event = Menu Click), but not remove the menu option completely.

  • Ben

    This does not work with menu ID 1283 'Remove'. Why?

    "B1UP can block the user from clicking the menu option with B1 Validation (Event = Menu Click), but not remove the menu option completely."

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