Hi all
iPayment 2019.08 is now released.
Get it here: https://download.boyum-it.com/iPayment/
2019.08 [30. July 2019] - New Features - Added option in the server component to receive emails should any of iPayments background workers fail [TFS20743] - Added notification on the gateway selection screen that Secure Trading does not support Demo Mode [TFS25027] - Added option to see which server componets interact with a database [TFS24774] - Changed Features - Square Only: Removed MerchantID field from the Gateway Selection form and Currency field from the Configuration form to simplify authentication with the gateway. [TFS21662] - The Authorization/Settlement/Refund reports now include transactions made on Incoming Payments. [TFS20812] - iPayment tab now shows if you run 32-bit or 64-bit B1 Client. - Bug Fixes - Fixed that Demo-credit-card info was not set properly on ProPay demo systems (new mandatory Month Field was added to the gateway form) - Fixed that you in rare cases could not open the Action Log (gave an error of an incorrect format)
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