A new version of iPayment has been released - 2018.05.00.0
You can download it here or check out the change log below for details on new features, changes and fixes.
- New
- Databases using the Israeli Shekel symbol for currencies are now properly supported.
- Implemented a 'known errors' system that will aim to catch known gateway-related errors and better guide the user to a solution.
- Secure Trading; now supports 'Credentials on File' declarations for supported card types. See manual for details.
- Changed
- The Action Log now shows card number / card type when a card has been deleted.
- It is now possible to void authorizations even when the document has only been partially authorized
- Fixed
- Fixed that Document Level payment terms would return an incorrect configuration if no configuration was defined for the given payment term.
- Improved 'default card' logic so it's no longer possible to delete a default card and end up with no default card on the BP.
- Batch Auth/Refund wizards now correctly filter based on the BP Group filter parameter.
- Pay Now links now correctly handle declined card transactions.
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