When you receive an error in B1 iPayment, there are some information and screenshots that we usually ask for - if these are provided, a support ticket is usually solved much faster.
Here's a list of the items we usually ask for:
- A description of what you were doing as the error occurred.
- A screenshot of the error.
- A screenshot of the document / BP form where the error occurred (The iPayment tab should be SELECTED).
- A screenshot of the configuration window of the iPayment add-on.
- A copy of the log-file. (See below how to find it)
1) A screenshot of the error:
When an error occurs, you'll usually see an error-form with a detailed description of the error.
2) Create ticket data:
This requries iPayment v2018.03.03 or higher
Open the Document in SAP and right-click it and select iPayment -> iPayment - Create ticket data:
This will create a HTML file that you can attach to the support ticket.
- Remember to also include screenshots of any error messages + the configuration window
3) A screenshot of the document / BP form where the error occurred:
Having a screenshot of the document that caused the error can likewise be helpful in identifying what went wrong.
4) A screenshot of the configuration window of the add-on:
Screenshots of the configuration window(s) allows us to better replicate the issue on our systems.
5) A copy of the log-file:
The log file contains information about recent events and errors, and can sometimes show what went wrong in greater detail. This usually allows us to identify where the error occurred much faster.
The log file is found in: %appdata%\Boyum IT\BOY_E0_MODIFICATIONS\EventLogs
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