iPayment 2017.0.1.0 has been released.
Download it here or check out the change log below.
Version 2017.0.1.0 (February)
- Secure Trading: You can now generate a "Pay now" link for invoice type documents that allows for the customer to pay the open amount on the document
- All gateways except Authorize.NET: It is now possible to convert One-Time credit cards to Business Partner cards(See manual for more information)
- Server Component can now do automatic Re-authorization of expired auths (See manual for more information)
- Support for One-Time Credit Cards on the Outgoing Payments screen
- Support for Credit Cards on Deposit on Orders
- Right-click options are now grouped in an iPayment menu, if there are more than one option available.
- Batch Authorization/Settlment/Refund now use a Wizard that allows filtering on several different parameters, as well as SQL filtering
- iPayment no longer controls Sales Order Approval status on failed authorizations, if the Control Sales Order Approval configuration is turned off.
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